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September 11, 2020

Chairman Thompson Subpoenas Chad Wolf After Refusal to Testify

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, issued a subpoena to The Honorable Chad Wolf of the Department of Homeland Security for a September 17 public hearing on threats facing the homeland. Since June, the Committee has engaged with DHS to secure the participation of Mr. Wolf, along with the FBI Director and the National Counterterrorism Center Director, for this hearing.  Although DHS committed to Mr. Wolf testifying on September 17, Mr. Wolf reneged on the commitment on September 8, prompting the Committee to compel his testimony.

Chairman Thompson released the following statement on the subpoena:

“Nineteen years after the attacks of 9/11, we continue to face grave threats to the homeland. From the coronavirus pandemic to the rise of right-wing extremism to ongoing election interference, there are urgent threats requiring our attention. Mr. Wolf’s refusal to testify – thereby evading congressional oversight at this critical time – is especially troubling given the serious matters facing the Department and the Nation.”

“The Committee has not only the authority, but also an obligation to execute its Constitutional oversight responsibilities regarding Mr. Wolf’s decisions and the Department’s actions in securing the homeland. As Chairman, I intend to ensure the Committee fulfills that responsibility.”

Link to Subpoena

Link to Sept. 8 letter from DHS
Link to Sept. 10 letter from Chairman Thompson to DHS

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Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978